Feel free to contact one of our branches for any support or sales related queries
South Africa (HQ)
Tel: +27 (0) 11 706 9797
Email: info@vuma3d.com
Post: P.O. Box 4204, Randburg, 2125, South Africa
Phys: 24 Sloane Street, Bryanston, Johannesburg, 2060
Tel: +1 705 682 9600
Email: miguel.coelho@bbegroup.ca
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VUMA software
VUMA’s industry-leading, software is designed to accurately simulate airflow, heat loads, gases (including radon), dust, blast clearance and fires.
VUMA-live provides engineers with real-time risk analysis, risk management and rapid responses to any alarms.
VUMA-network allows engineers to plan, design, operate and control the ventilation and cooling systems.
VUMA-hub allows Occupational Hygienists to better manage their data, develop comprehensive reports and improve productivity.